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Jennifer Lopez tem uma irmã gêmea? Não, mas bem que parece

A fisiculturista Janice Garay está fazendo sucesso por ser a cara da cantora.

Por Júlia Warken
Atualizado em 20 jan 2020, 09h19 - Publicado em 3 ago 2017, 19h34
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  •  (Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images)

    A fisiculturista texana Janice Garay está deixando muita gente impressionada pela similaridade com a cantora Jennifer Lopez. É bem verdade que em algumas fotos as duas nem se parecem tanto, mas Janice já descobriu quais são os ângulos que fazem com que elas se passem por irmãs gêmeas!

    E é claro que a americana está aproveitando esse detalhe para colecionar seguidores. “A garota que está quebrando a internet”, diz ela em sua bio no Instragram. Exagero, ou não, uma coisa é inegável: em algumas fotos dá para se confundir de verdade.

    No clique abaixo, por exemplo, o detalhe que entrega tudo é o braço de Janice. A moça é extremamente malhada (mesmo!), mas o rosto é super parecido ao da J.Lo:

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    Too focused on getting my sh*t together, never in the mood to entertain people's drama. Glowing and growing is the goal. Boss up. Positive Mindset + Positive Energy = Positive Life 🙏🏾💓💪🏽😌 Tune in at 104.1 KRBE at 8AM this morning , JayFromHouston will be on the Roula & Ryan Show! 🙌🏽🎙

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    Following my passion means more to me than keeping everyone happy. 💓🔛🔝#WhoCaresWhatPeopleThink #PositiveVibes #hatersmotivateme #millionairemindset #losangeles #driven #hungryforsuccess #StayFocusedJay

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    I'm in tears of joy right now for all these opportunities that are being sent my way! I wish I could announce but not just yet, I remember praying for a miracle, I kept asking god to give me strength to hold on and not give up no matter what was being thrown my way. No matter how heart broken I was, friendships I've lost throughout the years or just struggling at home financially! It's hard being a single mom…I'll never be embarrassed for my struggles or where I came from because look where it lead me to today! God is so freakin good!!!! 😭🙌🏽🙏🏾 I remember crying in my room on a daily basis feeling miserable because I had no idea where I was going to end up …I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life until I started working out 3 years ago! Fitness has definitely changed my life, I didn't have rich parents , we didn't have much coming from the valley my parents split when I was a baby and my mom and I moved away to Houston when I was 6…growing up was hard for me to be far away from my father because we had a special bond. But all I knew was I wanted to make my father proud of me! I know in my life growing up I've made mistakes, I didn't always make the right choices and I had my daughter at a young age (19) I'm not perfect what so ever but I do have a good heart! I will always remain humble and just want to show the world no matter how bad ur struggling or whatever it is your going through in life, stay strong, pray, keep grinding, focus on YOU An ur goals because u never know what god will bring your way, he will definitely surprise you! Trust me! He blessed me and opened other doors for me I never thought would be possible! And I definitely can't wait to share my journey with all of you! 🙏🏾💓 – JAY #NewBeginnings #Blessed #GodIsGood #InspireOthers

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    "EMPOWER WOMEN" 💓On my way to Venice this morning to go have pancakes with my team before I leave this afternoon 😏🤤🥞🙌🏽💓💪🏽

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    It's not just about reaching goals, but who you become and how you evolve along the way! ✨💪🏽💓🙏🏾🔝

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