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Meghan Markle fala da parceria que fechou com a Disney para lançar filme

Esse é primeiro projeto abraçado pela atriz desde que ela e Harry se afastaram da realeza britânica.

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Atualizado em 7 Maio 2020, 15h15 - Publicado em 22 abr 2020, 11h20
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     (|Chris Jackson/Staff/Getty Images)

    Meghan Markle falou, pela primeira vez, sobre sua parceria com a Disney para lançar um documentário. Batizado de “Elephant” o filme é narrado pela atriz e já está no catálogo do Disney+ – a plataforma de streaming da Disney.

    “Eu sou muito grata por ter a oportunidade de fazer parte desse projeto que conta a história de elefantes”, disse ela em uma entrevista veiculada pelo Good Morning America.

    “Tenho muita sorte de poder ir a campo para ver os elefantes em seu habitat natural. Quando você passa um tempo se conectando com eles e com a natureza selvagem, você realmente entende que nós temos um papel importante na preservação e na segurança deles”.

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    O documentário é ligado à organização Elephants Without Borders, de Botsuana. No ano passado, Meghan e Harry já haviam realizado ações em prol da instituição.

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    🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘🐘 Today is #WorldElephantDay and we are pleased to announce that since we followed our friends at @ElephantswithoutBorders (EWB) on Instagram in July, when we were celebrating the environment, you and our friend @TheEllenFund (@TheEllenShow) have spread the word and EWB have been able to help protect 25 elephants by fitting them with satellite navigation collars! These collars allow the team at EWB to track the elephants, as well as to learn their essential migratory patterns to keep their corridors safe and open so future generations of elephants can roam freely. In honour of this amazing support, EWB have named their most recently collared Elephant…ELLEN! We can’t wait to see where she will go! 🐘 Two years ago on World Elephant Day, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex joined Dr Chase to help in this conservation effort. Below, a few words from Mike and his partner Kelly at EWB: • ‘Today is a day to honor and celebrate the majestic elephant and to make a strong stand for conserving and protecting one of the world’s most beloved animals. elephants are intelligent, sentient beings capable of emotions from joy to grief. They are ‘environmental engineers,’ a key-stone umbrella species, and the fight to save them is in effect, a fight to save entire ecosystems and all wildlife. Today elephants are facing many challenges; habitat loss and competition for resources creates conflict with humans, climate change and fires destroy much needed resources and poaching for the demand of ivory makes elephants bigger targets than ever. African elephants are especially prone to human-wildlife conflict because of their large home ranges. Finding, preserving and creating elephant corridors is therefore of great importance in helping to maintain habitats suitable for movement and minimising human-elephant conflict. Corridors are a mitigation technique to better the livelihoods of local communities and the elephants themselves, by providing environment and ample space for wildlife to navigate from one habitat patch to another, without affecting the livelihoods of communities.’ • EWB – Dr Mike Chase, Ms Kelly Landen . 📸 by DOS © SussexRoyal Additional photos: EWB

    A post shared by The Duke and Duchess of Sussex (@sussexroyal) on

    “Elephant” é o primeiro projeto abraçado por Meghan depois que ela e Harry se afastaram da família real britânica. Meghan não atua no filme, mas o documentário marca o retorno da atriz à televisão. Seu trabalho de maior sucesso foi na série “Suits”, em que atuou de 2011 a 2018.



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